Putting People First


Dear God, as we come before You today, help us to prioritize people over our own agendas. Teach us to love and serve others as Jesus did. Amen.

READ: Mark 10:45 (NLT)

"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Mark 10:45 (NLT)


In this verse, Jesus explains His mission: to serve and to give His life for others. This is the ultimate example of putting people first. Jesus, the Son of God, did not seek to be served but to serve others, even to the point of sacrificing His life.

This principle is central to the Christian life. We are called to follow Jesus' example by putting others' needs before our own. This means being willing to serve, even when it's inconvenient or costly. It means valuing people over our own comfort or preferences.

Reflect on your daily life. Are there areas where you tend to prioritize your own needs or desires over others? How can you shift your focus to put people first, following Jesus' example of selfless service?


Is there a way you could serve someone else today? It could be a small act of kindness, like helping a neighbor or offering a listening ear to a friend. Make a conscious effort to put their needs before your own, reflecting the servant heart of Jesus.


I will be humble like Jesus in a divided world.


Lord Jesus, thank You for Your example of selfless service. Help me to put others first and to serve with a willing heart. May my actions reflect Your love and bring glory to Your name. Amen.