Giving Generous Assumptions


Lord, as we study Your Word today, teach us to give others the benefit of the doubt. Help us to see people through Your eyes, with love and grace. Amen.

READ: 1 Corinthians 13:7 (NLT)

"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."


This verse from Paul's famous chapter on love highlights the importance of trust and hope in our relationships. Love "always trusts" and "always hopes," which means giving others the benefit of the doubt and believing the best about them.

In our message, we learned about the importance of giving generous assumptions. This means not jumping to negative conclusions about others' motives or actions. Instead, we choose to believe that they have good intentions, even when their actions might suggest otherwise.

This approach can transform our relationships. When we assume the best about others, we create an environment of trust and respect. It also reflects the love of Christ, who always sees the potential for good in us despite our flaws. Reflect on your relationships. Are there people you have been quick to judge or criticize? How can you change your perspective to give them generous assumptions?


Practice giving generous assumptions. When you encounter a situation where you might be tempted to judge or criticize, pause and choose to believe the best about the person involved. Extend grace and seek to understand their perspective.


I will be humble like Jesus in a divided world.


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unfailing love and grace. Help me to extend that same love and grace to others by giving generous assumptions. May my actions reflect Your heart and build trust in my relationships. Amen.