Request Prayer

There are times when life is overwhelming. In those moments, hope can feel far away. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you! Share your request and pray for other requests below.

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Prayed for 1 times

Please pray for good results on my DEXA scan today and my thyroid ultrasound soon. I also pray for relief on the horrible horrible pain my husband is going through!!!! Thank you!!!



Prayed for 1 times

Just need prayers for me to stay healthy and fit, for sickness to stay away from me and for me to stay close to my family.



Prayed for 0 times

Please pray for comfort and peace as my divorce is finalized this next week. I am having a very hard time with it.



Prayed for 0 times

My cousin Daniel is in the ER right now sedated after some very bad seizures lasting night. He just had brain surgery last week for his seizures. Please pray for healing for my cousin. Please pray for a safe emergency trip to KU hospital and for all the staff that will be taking care of him. Please pray for my family for strength during this rough time and for the finances for them to be by his side during all of this it's been very expensive with hotel fees, gas, and all that comes with it.


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