Understanding God's Identity


Dear Lord, as I come before You today, help me to understand more deeply who You are. Reveal Your nature to me and help me to see Your presence in my life. Amen.

READ: Exodus 3:13-14 (NIV)

"But Moses protested, 'If I go to the people of Israel and tell them, "The God of your ancestors has sent me to you," they will ask me, "What is his name?" Then what should I tell them?' God replied to Moses, 'I Am Who I Am. Say this to the people of Israel: I Am has sent me to you.'"


In this passage, Moses is concerned about how to introduce God to the Israelites. He anticipates their questions and doubts, wondering what name he should use to describe God. God's response, "I Am Who I Am," is profound and multifaceted. It signifies His eternal existence, self-sufficiency, and unchanging nature. God is not defined by time, space, or circumstances; He simply is. This declaration sets God apart from the pantheon of Egyptian gods that Moses and the Israelites would have been familiar with. Unlike the gods of Egypt, who were associated with specific domains like the sun or the Nile, the God of Israel is the God of everything. He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer. This understanding of God's identity is crucial for Moses as he prepares to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. For me, understanding God's identity as "I Am" means recognizing His sovereignty and presence in every aspect of my life. It means trusting that He is in control, even when circumstances seem overwhelming. It also means acknowledging that He is the source of all life and purpose. When I face challenges or uncertainties, I can find comfort in knowing that God is constant and unchanging.


Think about how God's identity can change the way you approach your daily challenges and decisions. Consider writing down any insights you receive during your prayer time.


I will have a 5-minute intentional conversation with the kid(s) in my life.


Lord, thank You for revealing Yourself as the great "I Am." Help me to trust in Your eternal presence and unchanging nature. May this understanding guide me in my daily walk with You. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.