The Importance of Service


Dear Lord, as we come before You today, open our hearts to the importance of serving others. Help us to see service as an expression of our faith and love for You. Holy Spirit, guide us in our actions. Amen.

READ: Matthew 20:28 (NIV)

"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Matthew 20:28 (NIV)


In Matthew 20:28, Jesus sets the ultimate example of service by highlighting His mission to serve others and give His life for humanity. This scripture aligns with our series Pass It On, and the importance of parents teaching their children about serving others as one way to pass on their faith.

This passage is a powerful reminder of Jesus' mission and the example He set for us. Jesus, the Son of God, came not to be served but to serve. His entire life was a testament to selfless service, culminating in His sacrificial death on the cross. This passage challenges us to follow His example and make service a central part of our faith journey.

This past weekend at Pathway Church, we had a Parent Panel on stage to wrap up our Pass It On series. One of our guests, Holmes Andrus shared how his family has been involved in service through their ministry, Sandwich Saturday. By consistently serving the homeless, Holmes and his wife have instilled the value of generosity and service in their daughters. This hands-on approach to faith has left a lasting impact on their children, who continue to serve others in their own ways.

Service is a tangible expression of our faith. It demonstrates God's love to others and helps us grow in humility and compassion. When we serve, we reflect Jesus' character and fulfill His command to love our neighbors as ourselves.


Consider your own life. How are you incorporating service into your faith journey? Are you actively looking for opportunities to serve others? This passage and the message challenge us to make service a priority, knowing that it not only blesses others but also strengthens our own faith.


I WILL have a five-minute Intentional conversation with the kid in my life.


Lord, thank You for the example of Jesus, who came to serve and give His life for us. Help me to follow His example and make service a central part of my faith journey. Give me a heart of compassion and humility. In Jesus' name, Amen.