Serving with Excellence


Heavenly Father, as we come before You today, teach us the importance of serving with excellence. Help us to see our work as an act of worship and to give our best in all that we do. Amen.

READ: Ephesians 6:7-8 (NLT)

"Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will reward each one of us for the good we do."

Ephesians 6:7-8 (NLT)


Paul’s message to the Ephesians echoes his instructions to the Colossians and Titus. We are called to serve wholeheartedly, as if we are serving the Lord. This means giving our best in all that we do, not just when it’s convenient or when we’re being watched.

Serving with excellence is about more than just doing a good job. It’s about honoring God with our work and recognizing that our efforts are ultimately for Him. This perspective can transform our approach to work, motivating us to give our best even in challenging situations.

Consider the example of the farmers who came together to harvest their neighbor’s crop. Their actions were a demonstration of serving with excellence, going above and beyond to help someone in need. This kind of service reflects the love and grace of God, making a powerful impact on those around us.

Reflect on your own work. Are you serving with excellence? Are you giving your best in all that you do, recognizing that your efforts are ultimately for the Lord? How can you improve your attitude and effort, ensuring that your work honors God?


I will work as if I’m working for God this week.


Lord, help me to serve with excellence in my work. Give me the strength and motivation to give my best in all that I do, recognizing that my efforts are ultimately for You. May my work honor You and draw others to Your love and grace. Amen.