The Power of an Open Mind


Dear Lord, as we come to Your Word today, help us to have open minds and hearts. May we be like the Bereans, eager to learn and grow in our understanding of You. Amen.

READ: Acts 17:11 (NLT)

"And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth."

Acts 17:11 (NLT)


This passage contrasts the Bereans with the Thessalonians. The Bereans are praised for their noble character and their eagerness to examine the Scriptures daily to verify Paul's teachings. Their approach to the Scriptures is a model for us. They were open-minded and eager to learn, and they didn't just accept Paul's message at face value. Instead, they examined the Scriptures daily to see if what he said was true. This shows a deep commitment to understanding God's Word and a desire to know the truth.

Their noble character is highlighted because they were willing to put in the effort to study the Scriptures. They didn't rely solely on Paul's teaching but took personal responsibility for their spiritual growth. This is a powerful reminder that we, too, should be diligent in our study of the Bible. It's not enough to hear messages or attend Bible studies; we need to engage with God's Word personally and regularly.

An open mind is essential for spiritual growth. When we approach the Bible with preconceived notions or a closed heart, we limit what God can teach us. But when we come with a humble and teachable spirit, we open ourselves to the transformative power of God's Word. The Bereans' example challenges us to be more intentional in our Bible study and to seek God's truth with eagerness and diligence. Consider choosing a passage of scripture to study and asking God to reveal new insights and help you understand His Word more deeply.


I will open my mind and study the scriptures at a set time each day.


Father, thank You for the example of the Bereans. Help me to approach Your Word with an open and eager heart. Give me the diligence to study the Scriptures daily and the wisdom to understand Your truth. Amen.