Overcoming Closed-Mindedness


Lord, as we come before You today, help us to recognize and overcome any closed-mindedness in our hearts. Open our eyes to see the truth of Your Word and to be transformed by it. Amen.

READ: Matthew 18:15 (NIV)

"If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over."

Matthew 18:15 (NIV)


Overview: In this passage, Jesus provides instructions on how to handle conflicts within the community of believers. It emphasizes the importance of addressing issues directly and privately.

Reflect: Closed-mindedness can hinder our spiritual growth and our relationships with others. In the message, the pastor shared a personal experience of how closed-mindedness led to a conflict being handled poorly. This serves as a reminder that we need to be open to God's guidance in all areas of our lives, including our interactions with others.

Jesus' instructions in Matthew 18:15 highlight the importance of addressing conflicts directly and privately. This approach requires humility and a willingness to listen. When we are closed-minded, we may be quick to judge or to seek validation from others rather than following Jesus' teachings. But when we approach conflicts with an open mind and a desire for reconciliation, we create opportunities for healing and growth.

The Bereans' example of examining the Scriptures daily can also be applied to our relationships. Are there any conflicts or unresolved issues in your life right now? Just as they were diligent in seeking the truth in God's Word, we should be diligent in seeking understanding and resolution in our interactions with others. Consider addressing them directly and privately, keeping an open mind and a humble heart willing to be guided by God's principles.


I will open my mind and study the scriptures at a set time each day.


Heavenly Father, help me to overcome any closed-mindedness in my heart. Give me the courage to address conflicts directly and privately, and the humility to seek reconciliation. May Your Word guide me in all my interactions. Amen.