Authenticity in Fellowship


Dear Lord, as we delve into Your Word today, teach us the value of authenticity in our relationships. Help us to be open and honest with You and with each other. Amen.

READ: James 5:16

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

James 5:16


James 5:16 underscores the importance of authenticity in our relationships. Confessing our sins to each other and praying for each other brings healing. This is not just physical healing but emotional and spiritual healing as well. The sermon highlighted that hiding our struggles leaves us vulnerable to the attacks of Satan, much like Judas, who never truly connected with the other disciples.

Authenticity requires vulnerability, which can be uncomfortable. However, it is in this vulnerability that we find true connection. When we share our struggles, we allow others to come alongside us, offering prayer and encouragement. This mutual support is a powerful defense against the enemy’s attacks.

Consider your own life. Are there areas where you’ve been hiding your struggles? What would it look like to share these with a trusted group of believers? Remember, authenticity is a two-way street. As you share, you also create a safe space for others to share their struggles.


Today, take a step towards authenticity. Share a struggle or a prayer request with a trusted friend or group member. Be open to receiving their support and prayers.


I WILL take steps to connect to a small group of believers this week.


Father, thank You for the healing that comes through authentic relationships. Help me to be open and honest with my struggles, and to support others in theirs. Strengthen our community through authenticity. Amen.