Witnessing in Our Jerusalem


Lord Jesus, as we learn about being Your witnesses, help us to see the opportunities around us to share Your love and truth. Empower us with Your Spirit to be bold and compassionate. Amen.

READ: Isaiah 43:19

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."

Isaiah 43:19


In his message, Pastor Carter draws on Isaiah's prophecy to illustrate God's ongoing work of renewal. This passage speaks to God's ability to bring life and hope in the most desolate places. The Israelites, in their captivity, needed this assurance of God's faithfulness and His power to transform their circumstances. Similarly, we are called to perceive and participate in the new things God is doing in our own "Jerusalem"—our immediate surroundings.

Being a witness in our Jerusalem means starting where we are, with the people and places we encounter daily. Todd encourages us to see our neighborhoods, workplaces, and social circles as mission fields. It's about living out our faith authentically and being open to sharing the hope we have in Christ.

This can be challenging, especially when we feel inadequate or fear rejection. However, the promise of Isaiah 43:19 is that God is already at work, making a way where there seems to be none. Our role is to join Him, trusting that He will equip us and use our efforts for His glory.


Identify one person in your life who needs to hear about the hope of Jesus. Pray for them and look for an opportunity to share your faith with them this week.


I will pray about my commitment to All Things New.


Holy Spirit, give us the courage and wisdom to be Your witnesses in our daily lives. Open our eyes to the new things You are doing and help us to join You in Your mission. Amen.