Garbage To Grace: The Story of Michael Ramirez de Aguilas

Michael grew up in the Garbage Dumps of Mexico City, the places where garbage from all over the city is brought to be sorted, removing anything of value, including cardboard, glass, paper and plastics.

When Michael was 15, he moved with his Stepdad and his Mom, to “Los Pepes” which means “The Garbage Men”. This is one of the poorest neighborhoods in Mexico City. It is run by a Mexican Mafia who keep the people who live there, hopeless and without any real future.

Michael soon met his wife and at 15, they were married and they raised two girls and a boy in Los Pepes. Michael became an alcoholic and as the Mafia made changes at Los Pepes, he lost income. He turned to sniffing glue, the cheapest form of intoxication for relief. He would often disappear from his family and the pepenedoran community for weeks at a time, straining his marriage. His wife divorced him and his children didn’t want anything to do with him. At this point, Michael said, “I wanted to end my life.”

A devastating earthquake hit Mexico City in 2017, which brought a nearby church, La Zona and Pathway Global Partners, Misael & Yola Cruz,to Los Pepes. They delivered food, clothing, water, tents and occasional rides for showers at the La Zona church building nearby. Michael’s Mother began following Jesus through this contact and ministry and she began praying for Michael.

About 9 months ago, Michael says he had a dream where he saw many people praying for him. He said, “It was the voice of God”.

Even though the first time he came to church at La Zona, he was drunk, he continued to come and began to share in the small group following the sermon each week where he met Alfonso, who began walking alongside him.

Alfonso, also a recovering alcoholic, kept walking with Michael, continuing to invite him back and reminding him how much God loes him. Just a few months ago, Michael was baptized and continues to grow as a follower of Jesus.

This past week, Michael was a key to the success of the Summer Club that LaZona Church led for 40+ children in Los Pepes. Michael knows these children and the challenges they face. He has reconciled with his children and two of his grandchildren joined him at the Summer Club. Michael is thankful to Jesus for bringing Alfonzo and the ministry of LaZona into his life. He now has real hope and a future and he wants to bring those same things into the lives of the people who live in Los Pepes.