Groups Discussion Guide

Self-Control Discussion Guide

Self-control when it feels unnatural.

• Staying on pace with the Holy Spirit.

• Focus on training rather than just trying harder.

• Planning before rather than after helps us exercise self-control.

SCRIPTURE: Galatians 5:16, Galatians 5:25; Galatians 6:9

1. What is your workout or exercise routine?

2. What is your best “lost it” story you can tell?


1. Paul talks about our sinful nature. In your own words paraphrase that part of us that God’s Spirit is fighting against. Galatians 5:16-21

2. Pastor Carter talked about staying on pace with the Holy Spirit, not getting behind. As you read Galatians 5:16-25, what is Paul saying about this concept?

3. How does confessing sin relate to walking in the Spirit? 1 John 1:9

4. What is the difference between just trying harder and training to have fruits of the Spirit? Galatians 5:16-25; Galatians 6:7-10


1. Planning ahead sounds like trying harder when we think about having self-control. How would you describe the difference?

2. How do you know when you’re just trying to be good in your own power and when you’re trusting the Spirit to lead you to being good?

3. Someone has described living by the power of the Holy Spirit as driving a car and relying on the engine of God’s Spirit to take us down the road. When we are striving in our own power, it’s like we’re not turning on the engine that God has provided and we’re trying to push the car everywhere we go. How would you describe the difference?

4. What has been the most helpful study in this series of living by the Spirit and why?

5. Pray together as a group, or individually, this week’s prayer below.


Say this prayer daily:

Gracious God,

Thank You for your endless well of forgiveness.

May we be so rooted in You that we are not governed by our impulses.

Remind us that it is not perfection You desire; Your love is not conditional on our actions.

Help us to have patience and grace for ourselves as we grow.

We pray that our capacity for self-control increases as we surrender to You.

May we love those around us well as they walk this same challenging path.

You are good, even when we fall short.


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