Groups Discussion Guide

Fruit of the Spirit Discussion Guide

God grows the fruits of the Spirit in our lives when we stay in step with His Spirit.

• Before we can really grow the fruits of the Spirit in our lives, we need to pull the weeds of sinful nature.

• All types of sin are hurtful to our soul and what God wants to grow in us.

• Fruits of the Spirit grow in our lives not when we try harder but when we walk in step with God’s Spirit.

SCRIPTURE: Galatians 5:16-26

1. What’s the best meal you’ve eaten recently?


1. What’s the difference between the flesh and the Spirit? Galatians 5:16-18

2. What does it mean when Paul says if we are led by the Spirit then we are no longer under the Law of Moses? Galatians 5:16-18

3. Why do you think Paul gives such an extensive list of sins to describe the flesh? Galatians 5:19-21

4. What does Paul mean when he says to crucify the flesh? Galatians 5:22-26

5. Paul says we should keep in step with the Spirit. How does someone do that? Galatians 5:22-26


1. When have you seen the flesh stunt or hurt the fruit of the Spirit God was growing in someone’s life?

2. What are some things that hold you back from the fruit God wants to grow in your life?

3. What are you doing to keep in step with God’s Spirit?

4. What do you need to do this week to keep in better step with God’s Spirit? How can your Home Team encourage you in that?


Read Hebrews 12:1-3. How is this passage like what Paul is telling us in Galatians?

Read this prayer daily:

Loving Father,

Teach us to love as you love; showing no favor or preference, giving grace after grace.

May we be a people who love first; before fixing, before judging, and before making excuses.

Let us be known for our radical love; not just of "our own" but of all people.

We are forever grateful for your loving example of loving us.


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