Groups Discussion Guide

Faithfulness Discussion Guide

Faithfulness when you are alone.

• Faithfulness originates from God.

• God’s faithfulness seeks you out.

• Faithfulness is a muscle you must exercise.

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 33:4; Numbers 23:19; Luke 5:1-11; Luke 22:31-34; Luke 22:54-62; John 21:15

1. Pastor Hutchison talked about fires and firefighters. What’s your best fire story?

2. What does faithfulness mean to you?


1. List as many attributes as you can about the faithfulness of God from these verses: Psalm 33:4; Numbers 23:19

2. Read the story from Luke 5:1-11. Re-tell the story in your own words. How did Jesus seek out Peter? What specific things did he do to seek out Peter?

3. Contrast how Jesus sought out Peter with how he sought out Matthew in Matthew 9:9-13. What was similar? What was different?

4. Discuss Peter’s unfaithfulness as described in Luke 22:31-34 and then in Luke 22:54-62.

5. Jesus restores Peter in a very powerful way in John 21. How did Jesus seek out Peter again? What was Peter’s response? Why do you think Jesus asked the same question to Peter three times? Why is this story so powerful?


1. Has God been faithful to you? Did He seek you out? How did that happen? Which attributes of God’s faithfulness mean the most to you and why?

2. Share a time in your own life when you were unfaithful. How did you recover?

3. What are some things you can do this week to exercise your faithfulness muscle?

4. Pray together as a group, or individually, this week’s prayer below.


Say this prayer daily:

Loving Father, 
We praise You for Your faithfulness. 
On the mountaintop or in the valley, Your goodness does not cease. 
We pray that goodness flows from us as a natural outpouring of Your Spirit. 
May we follow Your lead to love and serve with no need for humankind's empty praise. 
Keep us humble as we walk this path led by Your love. 
In the name of Your Son Jesus, 

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