Groups Discussion Guide

Surrendered Hearts

Surrender is not about us. It’s about God, people, and His mission.
  1. Surrender means giving up our will and desires for God’s will and His desires.
  2. Surrender means we see the world with new eyes.
  3. Surrender means our lives will move in a new direction.
SCRIPTURE: Acts 9:1-22 NIV
  1. How did you do last week with your "I will" statement? (I will pray about where I need to trust God more.)
  2. What is one thing that you are thankful for from last week?
  3. What is something that was stressful or difficult this week and how can we help?
  1. Read Acts 9:1-22 in two or three different versions.
  2. Have two people in the group retell the story in their own words.
  3. What do you think it was like for the believers when Saul converted?
  4. What do you think it was like for Saul?
  5. What does this teaching tell us about God?
  6. What does this teaching tell us about people?

  1. How has your life been different since following Jesus? Is there anything you’ve had to surrender?
  2. How have you seen God’s faithfulness as you’ve surrendered more to Him?
  3. What sort of obstacles keep you from surrendering to God fully?
  4. How can we pray for you and for each other as we surrender more to God this week?

I will share with someone how I am surrendering to God.

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