Groups Discussion Guide

Fully-Devoted Hearts

Jesus fills the hearts of those who are fully committed to Him.
  1. God cares and watches what we give.
  2. Our giving should be all about God.
  3. It’s not about what we give, it’s about what we don’t give.
SCRIPTURE: Mark 12:41-44 NIV
  1. How did you do last week with your "I will" statement? (I will share with someone how I’m surrendering to God.)
  2. What is one thing that you are thankful for from last week?
  3. What is something that was stressful or difficult this week and how can we help?
  1. Pick two or three people to read through Mark 12:41-44 in different translations.
  2. Have two people in the group retell the story in their own words
  3. What is the contrast that Jesus makes between the giving of rich people and that of the widow?
  4. What is the difference between their hearts?
  5. What does this teaching tell us about God?
  6. What does this teaching tell us about people?

  1. On a scale of 1-10, with one being more like the widow and 10 being more like the rich people, where would you say your heart is, honestly?
  2. In light of this passage and this series, where is God leading you to be more obedient in your giving?
  3. How can we pray for you and for each other as we take the 90 Day Heart Challenge?


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