Groups Discussion Guide

Hate Your Father and Mother

Only follow Jesus if you’re willing to pay the price.
  • Following Jesus is costly.
  • Following Jesus means making Him the priority above everything in our lives.
  • Following Jesus means anticipating the cost and expecting to pay it.
SCRIPTURE: Luke 14:25-35 NIV
  1. How did your struggle with a particular sin go this past week?
  2. What is one thing that you are thankful for from last week?
  3. What is something that was stressful or difficult this week and how can we help?
  1. Read Luke 14:25-35 NIV out loud. Have someone else retell the passage in their own words.
  2. What is the big idea? What are three illustrations that Jesus uses? How do they explain the main point He is teaching? In particular, what do they say about family?
  3. What do they tell us about God? What do they tell us about people?

  1. Which of the three illustrations resonates with you in terms of where you need to count the cost In your own life? What specific way will you count the cost in that area this week?
  2. Who is God asking you to walk alongside this week in their journey to find Jesus or to walk with Him?
  3. How can we pray for you and for each other as we do this in the coming week?

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