Groups Discussion Guide

Shine In Our City

Jesus calls us to shine the light by sharing our lives.

Why does God allow bad things to happen?
The disciples make the blind man an object of discussion rather than an object of compassion.
The difference between Jesus and the disciples is they only want to talk about it, and He wants to do something about it.
Let’s start shining, by talking less and doing more.

SCRIPTURE: John 9:1-14
  1. What are you thankful for from this past week?
  2. What is a stress or challenge from this past week?
  3. Does anyone know of a need in our group or community that we can meet?
  4. What was your I will from last week and were you able to accomplish it?
  1. Read John 9:1-14, using two different versions.
  2. Retell the scripture passage in your own words.

  1. What does the scripture tell me about God, Jesus, or His plan?
  2. What does the scripture tell me about people, or more specifically, me?
  3. If this is really God’s Word, what change will I make in my life?
  4. Who will I share this scripture with this week?

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