Groups Discussion Guide

Conflict Resolving

How to resolve conflict.

Resolve conflict by “fighting naked”:

  • Take off the armor.
  • Avoid verbal weapons.
  • Remember there is no “free pass”.
SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 4:1-4 NLT, Ephesians 4:29-32 NLT; Proverbs 18:21 NLT; James 1:19 NLT
  1. How did you impart values last week with someone?
  2. What is one thing that you are thankful for from last week?
  3. What is something that was stressful or difficult this week and how can we help?
  1. Read Ephesians 4:1-4 from two different translations.
  2. Have two people in the group retell these instructions from Paul.
  3. Paul talks about living a life worthy of our calling in Christ. Describe in your own words what that kind of life looks like from this passage.
  4. What does this teaching tell us about God?
  5. What does this teaching tell us about people?

  1. Think about a conflict that you’re having with someone (work, home, neighbor) and share with your group some of the armor that you have in that relationship and how you can take it off this week.
  2. How can we pray for you and for each other as we work through conflict in the next week with someone in our lives?

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