Groups Discussion Guide


As Christ-followers, we can experience hope in our grief journey and bring that hope to others as they grieve.

• Jesus came to bring hope and comfort to all who are grieving.

• Jesus is the only one who can transform our grief into beauty, joy and praise.

SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 61:1-3 NIV; Luke 4:14-21 NIV

1. From last week’s message on addiction, what is one temptation that you were able to recognize and avoid this week?

2. What is something that you are thankful for this week?

3. What was something challenging or stressful this week and how can we help you?


1. What are the different life experiences that Isaiah groups with grieving? Why do you think these groups are specifically called out? Isaiah 61:1-3 NIV

2. What does Isaiah promise to the grieving? Isaiah 61:1-3 NIV

3. What do you think is significant about Jesus quoting this passage to his hometown church and what clarity does it bring to his mission? Luke 4:14-21 NIV


1. Isaiah illustrates three different ways that God transforms our grief. What are they and which one speaks the most to you in your own grief journey?

2. What is one specific thing this week that God is speaking to you about that you need to obey?

3. Who could you walk alongside this week of Thanksgiving that might be experiencing grief?

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