Groups Discussion Guide


As Christ-followers, Jesus calls us to walk alongside people to help them connect and grow in their relationship with Him just as He did.

• Be out among people who don't know Jesus. 

• Obey God's Word and be accountable to your small group.

• Enter into spiritual conversations.

• Listen to the Holy Spirit to seek, serve, and share with those you are walking alongside. 

SCRIPTURE: Mark 5:21-34 NIV

1. Revisit the "Who is in my Zone?" worksheet from last week. Did you make any connections or changes to your sheet?

2. Who is someone you sought, served, or shared with last week? How did that go? (Remember it’s about obedience to God’s Word and not about outcomes.)

3. What is something that you are thankful for this week?

4. What was something challenging or stressing this week and how can we help you?


1. Read Mark 5:21-34 in two different versions.

2. Have two or three people in your group retell the story in your own words. 


1. What does this story tell me about God?

2. What does this story tell me about people?

3. If this is God’s Word, what changes will I make in my life?

4. Who am I going to seek, serve, or share with this week?


Take the Shema Challenge: Shema comes from Deuteronomy 6:4-5 NIV and it means to listen, and obey what God is telling you to do. It is a powerful prayer that we would listen to God and obey by serving others. Jesus quotes from this passage when He is being questioned by some Jewish teachers who are asking which is the greatest commandment (Mark 12:30 NIV).

The challenge this week is to pray this prayer every day, asking God where and how He wants you to be obedient in serving someone in your "Who is in my Zone?" worksheet.—those in your sphere of influence. In essence, you’re listening to God for a random act of kindness you can perform (mow a lawn, take a meal, run an errand, etc.). Accompany this action by telling the person you’re a follower of Jesus and want them to know that God cares for, and loves, them. This can be something you do for someone you know or someone you don’t; someone who is a Christ-follower or someone who is not. The challenge is to listen to God and be obedient to serve whom and how He directs you to serve.

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