Groups Discussion Guide

Are You Ready? Part 2

Series Name: Are You Ready?

Title: How You Can Be Ready for Jesus' Return

Short Summary of the Message: In Pastor Hutchison's message this past weekend, we explore Jesus' teachings on being prepared for His return, as shared in Matthew 24 and 25. Todd emphasizes the importance of staying spiritually awake and alert, using the parables of the ten bridesmaids and the talents to illustrate how we should live expectantly and responsibly with what God has entrusted to us. His message challenges us to reflect on our readiness for Jesus' return and to actively invest in the gifts and responsibilities God has given us.

Ice Breaker Question: What is one thing you always make sure to have ready before hosting guests at your home, and why?

Review of Previous Week's "I Will" Statement: Reflect on last week's "I Will" statement. "I WILL take a step of obedience to become ready for the return of Jesus." What steps did you take to live that out this past week?

Discussion Questions:

  1. Reflect on Readiness:
    • Question: What does being "spiritually awake" mean to you, and how can you apply this concept in your daily life?
    • Context: Jesus emphasized the importance of staying awake and alert for His return.
    • Application: Consider practical ways to remain spiritually vigilant, such as regular prayer, Bible study, or community involvement.
  2. Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids:
    • Question: How do you relate to the wise or foolish bridesmaids in the parable, and what steps can you take to ensure you are prepared for Jesus' return?
    • Context: The parable highlights the importance of being prepared and having enough "oil" for our lamps.
    • Application: Discuss what "oil" might represent in your life and how you can ensure you have enough.
  3. Using Our Talents:
    • Question: How are you currently using the talents and resources God has entrusted to you, and what changes might you need to make?
    • Context: The parable of the talents challenges us to invest what God has given us wisely.
    • Application: Identify one talent or resource you can use more effectively for God's kingdom.
  4. Overcoming Apathy:
    • Question: What are some areas in your life where you might be tempted to "bury" what God has given you, and how can you overcome this?
    • Context: The servant who buried his talent did so out of fear and apathy.
    • Application: Share strategies for overcoming fear and apathy in your spiritual journey.
  5. Living Expectantly:
    • Question: How does the belief that Jesus is coming back sooner than we think impact your daily decisions and priorities?
    • Context: The message encourages us to live with the expectation of Jesus' imminent return.
    • Application: Discuss how this perspective can change your approach to relationships, work, and personal growth.

This Week's "I Will" Statement: I will invest in my _______________ so that I'm ready for Jesus' return.

Prayer Prompts:

  • Begin by asking for prayer requests from the group.
  • Pray for the wisdom and courage to use our talents and resources for God's kingdom.
  • Ask for God's guidance in staying spiritually awake and alert, ready for Jesus' return.

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