Refuse Bitterness


Dear Lord, please help us to overcome our natural inclination to feel bitter over loss. Help us to follow Jesus’ example who, when in the process of being put to death, only felt compassion for those carrying out his execution. Please free us of all resentment.

READ: Ruth 1 and Ephesians 4:31-32 (NIV)

Read Ruth 1 on your own.

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:31-32


I’m not even sure where to begin when I think about all the ways I’ve been wronged and all the loss I’ve experienced over the years. Big things like divorce and little things like the screen door not wanting to close. Real things like broken promises and things probably imagined like the sacker at the grocery store switching to another lane when I arrive. The bottom line is that I’ve been dumped on and am completely justified in being bitter and mad at so many people, things, and events. My anger and grief, and the bitterness that should come with it, are valid and should be expressed.

(sound of the stylus being pulled off a record while playing) Then I accepted Jesus into my life.

Jesus has fully been a part of my life going on six plus years now. Being wronged and experiencing loss is still a thing, but how I feel about those situations has changed completely. Here’s why: even at my best, I fall short of living my life as Jesus lived his. Despite that, Jesus is always willing to forgive me, and he will never abandon me. As a Christian, it is my desire to be like Jesus as much as I can. Part of being like him is forgiving and refraining from bitterness. It’s not always easy, but letting go of bitterness and resentment has allowed me a peace and freedom I didn’t have before.


Are you currently feeling bitter over loss of some kind? If so, it probably means you’re a human living here on earth. Holding onto feelings of resentment will not lead to a fulfilling life. Consider writing down what it is that has you upset, then write a prayer to God for help to forgive the person or situation and finally, when you’re ready, write down a statement of forgiveness. Acknowledging how you’ve been hurt and then partnering with God for healing is a recipe for peace.


Thank you, Jesus, for accepting all of us despite the reality that we all fall short of your glory and let you down regularly. Thank you for dying the death we all deserved so that we can have the opportunity to spend eternity with you.


Psalm 139:23-24, Ephesians 4:31-32