Petition and Prayer


Father, quiet my heart today as I come before you in prayer and reflection. Thank you for giving me this time with you.

READ: Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7


The Bible calls us to bring our anxieties before God. Prayer and petition are the ways the Bible instructs us to bring our troubles to the Lord. Merriam-Webster defines petition as “an earnest request.” Prayer is our way of communicating with our maker. What a loving God we have that he has made a way for us to come to him with our struggles and anxieties.

Laying our anxieties before God is not about giving God a list of what we want but about truly coming before the God of the universe with our troubles. Knowing that God is loving and sovereign and that he has a plan more perfect than our own can give us confidence that God is in control. Even if what we are going through is hard, and even if it’s not what we would choose, we can pray. We pray, we wait, we trust, and we praise our Lord and Savior.


Overcome anxiety by spending time in prayer. Bring your anxieties before God today. Know that God loves you and hears you when you humbly seek him. There is nothing too big or too small to bring before the Lord.


Father, today I bring my anxieties and troubles to you. I know that you love me and have a plan to give me more than I could ever ask or imagine if I trust you.