Overlooking Small Offenses


Loving Father, we come before you today asking for the strength to overlook small offenses in our marriages. Help us to develop a heart of grace and understanding, so that we can extend love and forgiveness to our spouses. Open our eyes to see beyond the small irritations and focus on the bigger picture of a thriving marriage. In Jesus' name, amen.

READ: Proverbs 19:11

It is to one's glory to overlook an offense.


In this verse from Proverbs, we are reminded of the wisdom in overlooking offenses. It highlights the importance of not dwelling on every small mistake or annoyance within our marriages. Often, we can become fixated on the trivial matters and allow them to hinder our ability to extend grace and forgiveness. As we seek to thrive in our relationships, we must learn to overlook the small offenses. This does not mean ignoring or dismissing genuine concerns, but rather, choosing not to let minor irritations become major obstacles in our marriages. By focusing on the bigger picture and recognizing that no one is perfect, we can develop a spirit of generosity and understanding towards our spouses.


Take a moment to reflect on the small things that tend to irritate or frustrate you in your marriage. Ask yourself if these offenses are worth holding onto or if they can be overlooked. Choose to release any resentment or bitterness towards your spouse for these minor issues. Instead, commit to seeing the best in your spouse and offering grace and understanding, just as God has shown us.


I will allow God’s grace to enable me to forgive my spouse.


Gracious Father, we thank you for your wisdom and guidance. Help us to overlook the small offenses in our marriages and choose grace instead. Grant us the ability to see our spouses through eyes of love and understanding. Teach us to focus on the bigger picture of a thriving marriage rather than getting caught up in insignificant details. In Jesus' name, amen.