The Importance of Self-Control


Lord, as we study Your Word today, help us to understand the importance of self-control in our lives. May Your Spirit guide us in cultivating this vital fruit. Amen.

READ: Titus 2:6 (NLT)

"In the same way, encourage the young men to live wisely."

Titus 2:6 (NLT)


Paul's instruction to Titus includes a specific focus on young men, urging them to be self-controlled. This brief but powerful exhortation highlights a key virtue necessary for godly living. Self-control is a recurring theme in Paul's letters, and for good reason. It is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and a mark of spiritual maturity. For young men, who often face numerous temptations and pressures, self-control is particularly crucial.

In the context of Crete, where immorality was rampant, self-control would have set the young men apart as followers of Christ. It involves mastering one's desires and impulses, making choices that honor God rather than seeking immediate gratification. This virtue is not about suppressing desires but aligning them with God's will.

Paul's emphasis on self-control for young men can be extended to all believers. We all face situations where our self-control is tested, whether it's in our speech, actions, or thoughts. Cultivating self-control requires reliance on the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live in a way that pleases God.

Reflecting on our own lives, we must ask ourselves where we need to exercise more self-control. Are there areas where we are easily swayed by temptation? Do we react impulsively in situations that require patience and wisdom? Self-control is not just about avoiding sin but about actively choosing what is good and right. Take practical steps to avoid situations that test your self-control and replace them with activities that strengthen your faith.


I will find someone or be someone who will show God's goodness to the world.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of self-control through Your Spirit. Help us to cultivate this virtue in our lives, making choices that honor You. Strengthen us in our areas of weakness and guide us in living self-controlled lives. In Jesus' name, Amen.