Remember Who You Work For


Heavenly Father, as we invite you into our devotional time, help us to remember that we work for You in all that we do. Open our hearts and minds to Your Word, and guide us by Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

READ: Colossians 3:23-24 (NLT)

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ."


In this passage, Paul is writing to the Colossian church, emphasizing the importance of working with a heart dedicated to the Lord. The context here is similar to the situation in Crete, where Paul addressed slaves and their masters. Paul’s message is clear: our ultimate master is Christ, and our work should reflect our devotion to Him.

When we understand that our work is for the Lord, it transforms our perspective. No longer is our job merely a means to earn a paycheck or gain recognition; it becomes an act of worship. This mindset shift can be challenging, especially in difficult work environments or when dealing with unkind bosses. However, remembering that we are serving Christ can provide the motivation and integrity needed to persevere.

Consider the story of Uncle Bob from the message. His dedication to doing what was right, even when no one was watching, exemplifies working for the Lord. His actions were a testimony to his faith, impacting those around him, including his young nephew. Similarly, our actions at work can serve as a powerful witness to our faith in Christ.

Reflect on your own work environment. Are there areas where you can improve your attitude or effort, knowing that you are ultimately working for the Lord? How can this perspective change the way you approach your daily tasks and interactions with coworkers?


I will work as if I’m working for God this week.


Lord, help me to remember that I am working for You in all that I do. Give me the strength and integrity to perform my tasks with excellence and to treat others with kindness and respect. May my work be a testimony to Your love and grace. Amen.