Living Out Your Faith with Integrity


Heavenly Father, I seek Your guidance and strength to develop a Christ-centered character in my life. Help me align my public walk with my private talk. Grant me the wisdom to lead my household with love and integrity, and to serve others with humility and grace. May my actions reflect Your love and bring glory to Your name. Amen.

READ: Galatians 6:9-10 (NIV)

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Galatians 6:9-10 (NIV)


In this passage, Paul encourages the Galatians to persist in doing good, emphasizing that their efforts will eventually yield a harvest. He also highlights the importance of doing good to everyone, with a special focus on fellow believers. This aligns with the call to live a life of integrity as outlined in Titus 1:6-7.

Todd's message emphasized the importance of character beginning at home and the need for our private walk to match our public talk. Paul’s list of qualities for elders in Titus 1:6-7 serves as a blueprint for Christ-centered character. Being blameless, faithful, and self-controlled are not just for church leaders but are attributes every believer should strive for.

Reflect on areas in your life where you may struggle with integrity. Are there inconsistencies between your public persona and private life? Our closest relationships often reveal our true character. How we treat our family members is a reflection of our relationship with God. Are you patient, loving, and kind to your spouse and children? Do you lead by example in your home?

Todd gave us an opportunity to look at and take a personal survey regarding our personal integrity. Look at your own life and rate how negative behaviors such as being overbearing, quick-tempered, giving into drunkenness, violence, and pursuing dishonest gain may play a role in your daily walk. These behaviors can destroy our witness and hinder our ability to do good. Reflect on any negative behaviors you struggle with and ask God to help you overcome them.

Integrity Checklist:

1. Pride (Overbearing): Do you find yourself getting more judgmental toward others these days? Are you more able to rejoice when someone else gets the spotlight?

2. Temper (Quick-tempered): How often do you just fly off the handle? Do you use words to hurt other people, or are you growing in your ability to show patience and gentleness?

3. Addiction (Given to drunkenness): Does addiction have a stronger or weaker grip on you? Are you in deepening relationships of accountability regarding your addiction?

4. Misuse of Power (Violent): Do you ever intimidate people? How's your stubbornness quotient? Do you have a need to have to be in control?

5. Money Mismanagement (Pursuing dishonest gain): Are all of your financial dealings above reproach? Are you giving a greater share of your money away these days or a smaller share than you were last year?

If you're filled with pride, anger, you abuse power, or struggle with money you'll hurt those around you. It can short circuit you from begin able to overcome challenges you're facing, as well as keeping you from the good that God wants to do in your life. When you allow Jesus to transform your character, it will enable you to overcome whatever difficulty you're facing and unleash the power of God in you to be able to do good in this world!


I will confess to God and turn away from one character flaw in my life.


Lord, thank You for revealing the importance of Christ-centered character. Help me to grow in integrity, faithfulness, and self-control. Transform my heart and mind to reflect Your love and grace in all I do. May my private walk match my public talk, and may my life be a testament to Your goodness. Amen.