Doing Good as a Reflection of God's Work in Us


Heavenly Father, as we explore Your Word today, help us to understand how we can do good as a reflection of Your work in us. May Your Spirit guide us and empower us to live out our faith. Amen.

READ: Titus 3:8 (NIV)

"This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone." Titus 3:8 (NIV)


Paul emphasizes the importance of doing good as a natural outflow of our faith in God. This verse highlights that our good deeds are a reflection of our trust in God and are beneficial for everyone.

Paul's instruction to Titus is clear: those who have trusted in God should be devoted to doing good. This devotion to good works is not a means to earn salvation but a response to the salvation we have already received. It is a reflection of God's transformative work in our lives.

Doing good is excellent and profitable for everyone. It benefits not only those who receive our good deeds but also ourselves and the broader community. When we do good, we reflect God's character and bring glory to Him. Our actions become a testimony of God's love and grace to those around us.

It's important to note that doing good requires intentionality. Paul urges us to be careful and devoted in our efforts. This means looking for opportunities to serve others, being proactive in our kindness, and consistently living out our faith in practical ways.

As we devote ourselves to doing good, we also grow in our relationship with God. Our faith is strengthened, and we become more attuned to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Doing good is not just about the actions themselves but about cultivating a heart that is aligned with God's purposes. Have you seen someone in your community who needs to see the goodness of God? Maybe it’s a neighbor, a coworker, or a stranger.

Consider identifying how you can do good by acting out a simple act of kindness and pray for God’s guidance and blessing as you do it.


I will let God’s Word remind me of who I am.


Father, thank You for the opportunity to do good as a reflection of Your work in us. Help us to be intentional and devoted in our efforts to serve others. May our actions bring glory to You and be a testimony of Your love and grace. Amen.