Where Temptation Comes From


Father, remind us today of your true character and help us see ours.


“When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.” James 1:13-14


We, as humans, like to point fingers. When something happens, we look for who or what is to blame and we seldom look at ourselves as clearly as we should in these situations. It always seems there is an external party at play that is responsible for our suffering.

We do this a lot with God and with the world around us. If we are hurting, it must be the world’s fault. If we are struggling, God must be testing us. If we are being tempted, someone else must be doing something that pulls us that way.

Scripture tells us differently, though. It clearly shows us that God would not purposefully tempt us. Instead, we are our own stumbling blocks. We get in our own way and refuse to see the truth of this, most of the time, because it is much easier to simply heap the blame on others. Theologian Sam Allberry says, “My circumstances may be the opportunity for my sin, but it is not the cause of it.” Here in James, we read that we are not tempted by God, but by our own evil desires. The carnal desires that we carry with us in this flesh create a sense of urgency and immediacy that distract us from the long-term righteousness that we are meant for.


It is important that we understand temptation and how it presents itself from within so that we can respond in healthy, fruitful ways. As we face each new day and the trials that it brings, let us remember to not point the finger in blame, but rather, look inward and face ourselves in our quest for righteousness. As we will see later in this same chapter, we have the opportunity for hope and a pure, faultless righteousness if we will face this world and the Word of God with honesty, sincerity, and the willingness to put our faith into action.


God, thank you for this time to reflect on who you are and how I interact with you and the world around me. Help me face my day with honesty, sincerity, and a willingness to act on the call you put on my life.