Recognizing God's Goodness


Lord, open our eyes to see Your goodness and faithfulness. Help us to trust in Your perfect gifts and to seek Your will in all things. Amen.

READ: James 1:17 (NIV)

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."

James 1:17 (NIV)


James reminds us that every good and perfect gift comes from God. Unlike the shifting shadows, God is constant and unchanging. This assurance of God's goodness is crucial in our battle against temptation. When we trust that God has our best interests at heart, we are less likely to seek fulfillment in sinful ways.

The weekend’s message highlighted how we often blame God for our misfortunes, but James corrects this by pointing us to God's unwavering goodness. Reflect on the good things in your life. They are all gifts from God. Recognizing this helps us to develop a heart of gratitude and trust.

Consider how this perspective can change your approach to temptation. When you are tempted, remind yourself of God's goodness and the perfect gifts He has for you. Trusting in His provision can help you resist the lure of sin.


I will confess my sin to a trusted friend. Sharing this with someone who cares for you can help support you in prayer and be an encouragement to you.


Thank You, Lord, for every good and perfect gift in our lives. Help us to trust in Your goodness and to seek Your will in all things. Strengthen us to resist temptation and to walk in Your ways. Amen.