Living a New Life


Heavenly Father, as we come before You today, teach us what it means to live a new life in Christ. Help us to embrace this new identity and walk in Your ways. Amen.

READ: Romans 6:10-11

"The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus."


Living a new life in Christ means that we are dead to sin but alive to God. This is a daily decision and a continuous process of transformation. The sermon reminded us that baptism is a symbol of this new life, but it is also a daily reality we must live out.

Paul encourages us to count ourselves dead to sin but alive to God. This means that we must actively reject sin and choose to live for God. It is not enough to simply avoid sin; we must pursue righteousness and live in a way that honors God.

Reflect on what it means to be alive to God. How can you actively pursue righteousness in your daily life? What changes do you need to make to live more fully in this new life?


Identify one practical way you can pursue righteousness today. It could be through prayer, reading the Bible, serving others, or making a specific change in your behavior. Commit to this action and ask God for the strength to follow through.


Lord, thank You for the new life I have in Christ. Help me to live in this reality daily, rejecting sin and pursuing righteousness. Give me the strength and wisdom to make choices that honor You. Amen.