Jesus Sees Us


Dear Lord, as we come before You today, open our eyes to see how deeply You know and love us. Help us to understand the significance of being seen by You and to extend that same love to others. Amen.

READ: Luke 19:5-6 (NLT)

"When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name. 'Zacchaeus!' he said. 'Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.' Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy."

Luke 19:5-6 (NLT)


Jesus' interaction with Zacchaeus was intentional and personal. The moment He called Zacchaeus by name was transformative, and by doing so, Jesus demonstrated His deep knowledge and love for him. During his message, Christian shared how Jesus calling Zacchaeus by his given Hebrew name, which means pure and innocent, was significant. Despite the crowd's likely negative names for Zacchaeus, Jesus saw his true identity and potential. This teaches us to see others through Jesus' eyes, recognizing their inherent worth and potential for transformation.

Jesus' decision to stay at Zacchaeus' house was also significant. It was a public declaration of acceptance and a willingness to be associated with someone considered a sinner. This act of grace challenges us to extend the same acceptance to others, regardless of their past or societal status.

In our own lives, we may feel unseen or unworthy of Jesus' attention. But the truth is, Jesus knows us intimately and calls us by name. He sees beyond our external circumstances and recognizes our true selves. He knows our struggles, our desires, and our potential. Jesus desires to be in a relationship with us, to stay in our "house," and to transform our lives from the inside out.


I will share a meal with someone that needs to see God's love.  By extending this same love and acceptance to someone may help them feel seen or worthy.


Lord Jesus, thank You for knowing us by name and for Your unconditional love. Help us to extend this same love and acceptance to others, seeing them through Your eyes. Transform our hearts and lives as we draw closer to You. Amen.