Canceling the Debt


Heavenly Father, we come before you today with grateful hearts for the debt you have canceled through your Son, Jesus Christ. As we seek to thrive in our marriages, guide us in understanding the power of forgiveness to cancel the debts in our relationships. May your grace flow through us as we extend forgiveness to our spouses. In Jesus' name, amen.

READ: Matthew 18:26

"Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and children and all he had be sold to repay the debt."


In this parable, the servant owed an astronomical debt that he could never repay. The master's response reflects the forgiveness and grace we receive from God when we come to Him with our sins. Just as the master canceled the servant's debt, God offers us complete forgiveness through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Reflecting on this, we can consider the debts and offenses that have accumulated in our marriages. Just as the servant's debt was larger than he could ever repay, the hurts we hold onto may seem insurmountable. However, just as the master canceled the debt without any conditions, God calls us to cancel the debts in our relationships. This means releasing our spouses from the burden of owing us something for their mistakes or wrongdoings. Through forgiveness, we can erase the debts and move towards healing and restoration.


Reflect on any lingering debts or offenses in your marriage. Are there areas where you are still holding onto grudges or seeking retribution? Choose to emulate the master in the parable and cancel those debts through forgiveness. Let go of the need for repayment or punishment, and instead, extend grace to your spouse unconditionally.


I will allow God’s grace to enable me to forgive my spouse.


Heavenly Father, thank you for canceling our debts through the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus Christ. Teach us to cancel the debts in our marriages and extend forgiveness to our spouses. Help us release the need for repayment or punishment, choosing instead to offer grace and love. May our marriages be a reflection of your unlimited forgiveness. In Jesus' name, amen.