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We're on a journey at Pathway called All Things New. It's a two-year discipleship initiative designed to move us toward new things God has for each of us. Our primary goal with All Things New is that 100% of people at Pathway would engage in this initiative to experience a life-changing encounter with God.



I believe this with all my heart. God wants to do something new in and through each of us, for a world that needs to be made new in Jesus. Some of us are new to following Jesus and just beginning our journey, and some of us have been following Jesus for a long time, but both desire for God to make “All Things New”. The good news is that it is God’s plan!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17

God uses the “New Thing” He is doing inside of His people to bring New Life Now to make Old Things New and to create New Things New. Throughout the history of our Pathway family, since 1959, we have always embraced the “new things” God wants to do in us as individuals, and collectively - together as a family. I hope this encourages you because this is the work that Jesus is constantly doing! And ultimately, one day He will make “All Things New”. We join Him in that mission every day.

I believe on this journey, we will witness an impact on our community that will touch so many lives over the next 10 years. This is just the beginning of the “New Thing” God is doing in each of us. Just like a seedling taking root, the beginning is so important! We will be able to watch it grow, to see the transformative power of taking next steps in our faith, in our generosity, and surrendering to Jesus in new ways as we join Him to make “All Things New.”

I’m excited to see what God does in me, what He does in you, and what He will do through all of us.

Carter Signature
Todd Carter | Lead Pastor

Todd Carter



“All Things New” is, first and foremost, an initiative to grow us as followers of Jesus. We are at different points in this journey, moving towards new things God has for each of us. As God grows us, He always has something fresh and new. We want to learn new things about God and ourselves. It is our desire for every single person at Pathway to experience the new things God wants to do in and through us and be willing to take the next step of growth in this area of generosity.

We believe that whether you have never given anything before, you’re an infrequent contributor, or you give consistently and thoughtfully, there is a new step God is asking you to take in this journey. We are asking you to pray daily and seek Him to discover your personal next step.



This is a one-fund initiative. That means this number includes our total ministry budget for the next two years to bring “New Life Now” as well as our expansion for our continued vision to reach more people with the message of Jesus by making “Old Things New” and making “New Things New”.